Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Preparing for cocktail parties and more

I spent the last half of last week getting over Halloween, working on a presentation for one of my classes, studying and preparing for a 6-8-page long written paper assignment. On Friday during the day, I also hired someone to help me clean the apartment in time for a school event on Saturday. The bathrooms and the kitchen were cleaned, the living room was vacuumed, my daughter's room was straightened up and cleaned, and almost all of the important papers were organized badly into piles of paper that I couldn't locate. In fact, this week, I couldn't find a test that I was supposed to sign for my daughter. I found it last night, but not after looking through all of the badly organized piles of papers and magazines. I moved the boxes from the living room to the hallway and should have moved them back to the living room, but they are still there. Then on Friday night, we went to a special potluck dinner and service for my daughter's Hebrew School. She took part in a Friday-night service. I thought the dinner was going to precede the service, and we were a little late. It turned out it was the other way around.

A review of last week's events:
Wednesday - Halloween
Thursday - class and meeting with son's therapist in the evening
Friday - study, cleaning, pick up kids from school, take son to play therapy,
make side dish for potluck, service and potluck at temple

I'm saving Saturday and Sunday for the next blog.

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